
We would like to give to the 'Battle of the Mesh' the flavor of a tournament with a social character. If you are a mesh networking enthusiast, community networking activist, or have an interest in mesh networks you might find this bunch of crazy folks gathering for the Wireless Battle of the Mesh V6 very interesting. This event is also an opportunity to meet developers from the most popular open source mesh protocol implementations (Babel, B.A.T.M.A.N. L3 and L2, BMX, IEEE 802.11s, OLSR) and watch their ideas compete. If you have implemented an interesting mesh protocol capable of running on OpenWrt Backfire you can take part in the tournament too.


The BattleMeshV6 will be held at Aalborg, Denmark. The testing / hacking / talks will take place in the Aalborg University. Two larger rooms have been booked for the BattleMesh participants. Expect to find an internet connection, plenty of space, video projector, canteen, and some curious students.

Some first impressions (Aalborg, University site, pumpkins):

attachment:IMAG1331.jpg attachment:IMAG1348.jpg attachment:IMAG1358.jpg attachment:IMAG1361.jpg attachment:IMAG1456.jpg


We will reserve a hotel for the guests signing up for the event. The hotel costs are included in the participant fee, 3-bed rooms and breakfast. We will release more information as soon as the deals are settled.

How to get to the hotel / university from the Aalborg airport

Getting from Aalborg Airport to the University is very easy: Take bus number 2H, 2G, 2J or 22 and get off at Mejrupstien after 32 minutes.

Busses going directly from Aalborg Airport to Aalborg University:

Timetables for Bus 2x and Bus 22

Example bus:

Aalborg University

There are a few rooms booked for doing talks, hacking and have side events or discussions in smaller groups. There is internet access and electricity available in all of the rooms.



15th to 21st of april 2013.

Rooms are reserved for this whole week. Like last year, some of the participants will meet the weekend before for a warmup in Samso. If you have some time on the weekend before, we would recommend joining us there, too. :)


In brief: We will deploy a wireless mesh network over the campus, run different routing protocols on top of it, perform some tests and see which routing protocol behaves better.

Side activities will be organized. Workshops and talks on wireless topics are on the time table:

Announcement: TODO

Call for Paper: TODO

Agenda: TODO

Side Events:



registration is not yet open, please check back later.

A participant list can be found here: BattleMeshV6 participants list


To be announced.

Account details

To be announced.


What to bring

List of the hardware available for the WBMv6


BattleMeshV6 (last edited 2012-12-10 13:39:55 by Martin Hundebøll)