Note: This page is currently a work in progress and will be finished soon

Do you have an idea or project related to mesh routing protocols? Or are you involved in a community networking project that uses a mesh? Your workshop or presentation proposal is welcomed to BattleMeshV7 Leipzig!


After the proposal deadline, the agenda will be published here: BattleMeshV7/Agenda

Until then, you are encouraged to check the list of proposed workshops (which will be posted here) to see if there is already a similar workshop or talk to yours before making a proposal.

Topic and format

Workshops or talks relating directly to open source mesh routing protocols will be prioritised, but we welcome proposals of anything you think may be of interest to mesh routing and community networking enthusiasts.

It may take any format, for example a presentation, talk, discussion, debate, practical workshop, or film showing.

To get an idea of the kinds of talks and workshops at the previous events, see BattleMeshV6/Agenda, BattleMeshV5/Agenda and BattleMeshV4/Agenda.

Lightening talks

Lightening talks are shorter talks which can be submitted later than the main workshops deadline, to allow everybody to have the opportunity to present their project/idea.

TODO: should lightning talks take the same format as BMv6? They were 7 minutes plus 3 minutes questions time, projector slides submitted by email in PDF format. Were there any problems/things that could have been better?


To allow an efficient handling of your submission, please provide the following information and send them by email to the email address below:


TODO: fix a deadline date


Email your proposals or specific questions to:

For general questions, please use the mailing list:

BattleMeshV7/CallForTalks (last edited 2014-01-11 15:53:40 by dslb-188-103-248-085)